Alright, I know I've possibly become a meme with the pending releases and delays of my Cartboy Adventure update sounds like cyberpunk 2077. Truth be told, school, work, irl stresses, etc. have been making me less motivated to work on the game I basically became a slacker. Life happens and it sucks. 

The project is no where near dead. I'm most likely going to resume development once this current semester I'm in is finished (approximately 2/3 weeks left) so I'm not far off from resuming development. With the new updates with the GBStudio engine, a lot of its features are going to get me back on track working on the new minigames, modes, and improvements.

Again, I do apologize for the delays. I'm not really going to set a date because I hate working under-pressure and it seems when it comes to dates, they're not really met. That being said, NO, this game is not going to take another year to make, and yes I'm hoping to release 2021.

I might stream myself working on this game but I'm not entirely sure. If it happens, you all would know here.

All things aside, I do have plans that go along with the game down the line. I want to release the game's full OST (for free or you could optionally donate for support). I want to somehow sell the game in a physical gameboy cartridge. All of this takes a lot of time and planning and I'm not really capable or doing something like this (for now). 

I guess that's it for now. Some of you probably forgot about this game because I did LOL. No worries. This is just an update why the project has hold and to potentially explain future plans for it. Hopefully you all understand. It'll really mean a lot to me at the end of the day.

Thank you for reading. Your Cartventure will continue!

Get Cartboy Adventure [DEMO]

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